Tuesday 26 October 2010

Dieting and Christmas don’t mix

OK, so I didn’t start my diet or go to the gym the very next day as I’d promised. It was the beginning of December, which has to be the worst time of year to try losing weight! Especially as roast dinners, nuts and red wine are some of my biggest weaknesses.

So I decided to just get through Christmas and all its indulgences without beating myself up about it. It was a classic case of “I’m starting a diet tomorrow so I’d better eat all of the chocolate biscuits to get rid of them!” By the time January 2 came around, I felt even worse about myself than I had before.

That's me on the right (with the double chin!)...

I must say though, it was much easier to turn my mind to losing weight in February when half the country was thinking the same thing. It was at this point that I did finally join a gym (for the first time in my life!).

Like a lot of New Year’s resolutions, I knew that after a few well-intentioned weeks there was a chance this one might go out the window with all the others. So I decided to set myself realistic expectations. As a mum of two young boys, going to the gym twice a week was as much as I could manage.

Also, instead of imposing a strict diet of lettuce leaves and carrot sticks on myself that wouldn’t last, I decided to make lots of small changes. I stopped picking at my children’s leftovers (finally admitting to myself that the calories did count even if they weren’t on my plate!). 

I started having ‘open’ sandwiches for lunch with just one slice of bread and I cut down on dairy products. Having been on lots of crash diets before and failing, I knew it was pointless trying to starve myself.

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